Students from different worlds were united

Musik überwindet alle Grenzen. Eindrücke der William Aberhart High School zu unserem Schüleraustausch mit Kanada.



They stood and watched as the delicate, fluffy snowflakes floated onto the thick mounds of sparkling snow.  Lake Louise was frozen over and dusted with icy frost.  As if out of nowhere, the warm Albertan sun appeared.  It seemed as though the whole world was glistening: showering shimmering crystals.  Towering over them, were the most magnificent mountains, and beyond the mountains, a breathtaking blue sky.
This spring, William Aberhart music students from Calgary, Alberta, Canada had an opportunity to exchange with Hamburg music students from Gymnasium Lohbruegge.  It was an experience of a lifetime.  With a musical interest and passion shared across the Atlantic Ocean, these students from different worlds were united. 

“Students from different worlds were united.”

When students from Hamburg came to Calgary, they were awed by the wonder and beauty that accompanies North American snow, mountains, and wide open spaces.  In addition, they were immersed in Canadian lifestyles, and cultural diversity, and made contacts that may last for years.  The Calgarians that visited Hamburg were exposed to a whole different way of looking at the world, unique German food (like Sauerkraut), beautiful architecture, shops bursting with culture, as well as friends and experiences that will not be forgotten.  Many students from both Germany and Canada learned more on their respective trips (and as hosts), about themselves, their friends and their world, than they could learn from months of memorizing information out of textbooks.
In both countries, joint performances were organized and each one was a huge success.  The music played by the Hamburg students set the mood for an energy-filled party and few people managed to keep from jumping to their feet and dancing.  Calgary students brought jazz music with them to Germany, which was a novel and enjoyable experience for the audience.  The symphonic band also performed some more contemporary music, such as Cloudburst by Eric Whitacre, which was a true sensory experience.
Cultural exchange is crucially important in promoting understanding and tolerance in the world.  The exchange that took place this year affected dozens of students, having left them with memories they will never forget.  It was a life changing opportunity, and due to the hard work of music teachers on both continents, many students who would not otherwise have had this kind of experience were included in a journey beyond borders.
I looked up at the delicately ornate, yet fiercely captivating building towering over me.  The architectural brickwork, forming masterful arches, laid the base for this magnificent work of art.  Sculptures perched upon each jagged shelf of dirty cream marble.  The dark green roof was weathered: a record of a rich past.  Protruding from the commanding clock tower was a beautiful spire, reaching up to the clouds.  ‘So, this is Europe: this is Hamburg.’

